Upload your photo today and enter to win!
1st Place: $300 Visa Gift Card & inclusion in the 2017 Calendar
2nd Place: $200 Visa Gift Card & inclusion in 2017 Calendar
3rd place: $100 Visa Gift Card & inclusion in 2017 Calendar
Closing date for entry: October 30th, 2016
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Click here to view the 2015 winners.
The fine print: By submitting a photo you agree that you own or have the necessary rights your photos. You also agree to give Wings Airways Inc & The Taku Glacier Lodge irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive license, to reproduce, distribute, display and create derivative works of the entries in connection with the Contest and promotion of the Contest, in any media, advertising or for any purpose. All photos must be approved by Wings Airways Inc. After approval photos will be uploaded onto the www.WingsAirways.com website. No responsibility can be accepted by Wings Airways Inc. of entries not received for whatever reason, or for photos not deemed to be acceptable for website display and competition participation for any reason.
The photo(s) must have been taken while on one of our two tours: The 5-Glacier Seaplane Exploration or the Taku Lodge Feast & 5-Glacier Seaplane Discovery.
Winners will be chosen by a combination of most votes submitted by site viewers and a final panel of Wings Airways & Taku Lodge owners and staff. Winners will be notified by phone and/or email by Wings Airways staff. The decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final.
Entry into this competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions, which shall be final and binding in all respects.
Now that all of the fine print is complete lets get back to the fun spirit of the contest! Thank you for visiting and for participating!