Proud to be a part of Tourism Best Management Practices (TBMP)

By The Wings & Taku Team on

We are proud to be a part of Juneau’s Tourism Best Management Practices (TBMP) organization which is highlighted in this month’s Alaska Journal of Commerce. The TBMP program’s mission is to create “a cooperative effort of Juneau tour operators, cruise lines, transportation providers and the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ). Begun in 1997, Tourism …

Porthole Cruise Magazine’s “Top Alaska Attraction”

By The Wings & Taku Team on

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Holly Johnson Office: 907-586-6275 Cell phone: 907-723-4774 Email: TAKU LODGE NAMED “TOP ALASKA ATTRACTION” IN PORTHOLE CRUISE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AWARDS Juneau, AK– Holly Johnson, President of Wings Airways, announced today that the Taku Glacier Lodge was named as Alaska’s Top Attraction by Porthole Cruise Magazine.   “For those of us from the Lower …